Impression Taiwan e.V. is a non-profit association established in 2017 by Germen and Taiwanese initiators in Berlin. The major concern of the association is to support creative initiative for cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Germany and to bring the diverse stories from Taiwan to the Berlin public. For this purpose, we organize an annual Taiwan Film Festival Berlin (TwFFB) as well as discussions, exhibitions and a wide range of arts-related programs from the beautiful island Taiwan - for all target groups in the international city of art, Berlin. Through further cultural projects and cooperation with local and international partners, Impression Taiwan also makes an important contribution to the diversity of the Berlin cultural landscape, which corresponds to the concerns of the association.
Contact us
Impressionen Taiwan e.V.
—Anna-Mungunda-Allee 7
13351 Berlin
c/o Wu
Our latest news on IG
—Watch the trailer on YT
—Our Team
Chairperson/Curator of the 2025 TFFB
Vice Chairperson
Festival Photos, Film Stills & Press Kits
Please contact us for more information.
Festival Logo
Access to festival logo in all versions
Trailer / Videos
7th Taiwan Film Festival Trailer 2024 (1:00 Min., YouTube)
7th Taiwan Film Festival Recap 2024 (1:10 Min., YouTube)
Press Review
Cinematic Berlin 09.2023
Central Hackescher Markt- Taiwan Film Festival 2023
NewGen 27.09.2023
NewGen Empfehlung | “Zuhause, wo auch immer” - Das Taiwan Film Festival Berlin 2023 steht kurz bevor ( NewGen特别推荐 |「家,在四方」2023柏林台湾影展即将开幕)
IndieKino 27.09.2023
Central Hackescher Markt - Taiwan Filmfestival 2023
換日線Crossing 09.09.2023
“Zuhause, wo auch immer”: Wie sie durch ein Filmfestival das Berliner Publikum mit dem “typischen” Taiwan vertraut machen? (「家在四方」:他們如何透過影展,讓柏林觀眾認識「典型」台灣?)
IndieKino 09.2023
Magazin Für Unabhängiges Berliner Kino D90 - TAIWAN FILM FESTIVAL
Exberliner 09.2023
What to do this weekend: Berlin’s best events
iKelly talk 24.08.2023
Zuhause, wo auch immer | Das 6. Taiwan Film Festival Berlin ( Zuhause, Wo Auch Immer|第六屆柏林臺灣影展 - 家在四方|)
Radio Taiwan International 29.09.2022
Das 5. Taiwan Film Festival Berlin in der Kulturbrauerei
Tagesspiegel 24.09.2022
Whisky und MeToo: Taiwan Film Festival startet in der Berliner Kulturbrauerei
Secret Berlin 23.09.2022
Heute beginnt das Taiwan Film Festival 2022 und es ist verdammt sehenswert
WIFTG – Women in Film & Television Germany e.V. 23.09.2022
Diskussionsrunde zum Thema #MeToo in der internationalen Filmindustrie
easternKicks.com 21.09.2022
5th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin returns to cinema
Asian Film Festivals 03.09.2022
5th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin – Impression Taiwan | Opening Film
IMDB 02.09.2022
5th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin Returns to Cinema. Here is the Programme
Asian Movie Pulse 02.09.2022
5th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin Returns to Cinema. Here is the Programme
Cinematic Berlin 09.2022
Kino in der Kulturbrauerei - Taiwan Film Festival 2022
Cinestar 09.2022
5th Taiwan Film Festival - Das Taiwan Film Festival Berlin ist die größte Veranstaltung in Europa für taiwanesische Kunst und Kultur.
INDIEKINO BERLIN Magazin 04.2020
TAIWAN FILM FESTIVAL Berlin to Screen Six Films from May 5th
Asian Movie Pulse 02.05.2019
Taiwan Film Festival Berlin to Screen Six Films from May 5th
Goethe-Institut 04.2019
Mein Land durch den Film kennenlernen
Chronicle of 映像臺灣 Impression Taiwan e.V.
2024 April - May Taiwan Film Festival Berlin Documentaries: Professions
With the great sponsorship of the TAIWAN FILM & AUDIOVISUAL INSTITUTE and TAIWAN DOCS (Taiwan documentary overseas promotion project), and the support of the Taiwan Ministry of Culture and the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, we are excited to announce the 1st Taiwan Film Festival Berlin Documentaries: Professions will launch on the 26th April 2024 at Kino Central Berlin.
This spring the Impression Taiwan e.V will hold its first Documentary Film Festival. Under the theme “Professions,“ we aim to bring an audiovisual record of Taiwan's history of industrial development to the international stage. Together with TAIWAN DOCS nine long-form and four short-form documentaries have been carefully selected and will be shown for the first time in Berlin. The Screenings include a special selection from the series "The Portrait of Hundred Occupations“ (1986-1991), which was prominently featured in the 2022 edition of the Taiwan International Documentary Film Festival.
2024 May Event:Body Workshop
The workshop starts from the facilitator guides us through various exercises in relation to the everyday life, standing, walking, breathing and the postures.
2023 September - October 6th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin
This year, in response to the Ukraine war, reflections on various natural and man-made disasters, we would like to introduce the theme for 2023, Home, Wherever. Whether influenced by the waves of globalization or the wrath of natural and man-made disasters, human migration has become the new norm. As we all know, Germany is the second biggest immigration country in the world. The Ukraine war has brought vast numbers of refugees to Germany, and Berlin has taken the greatest numbers. As such impacts on society are apparent in people’s daily lives, the issue of home has been brought to the forefront of many people's minds. In the midst of departures and returns, the issue of "home" emerges, prompting us to ponder its meaning.
By presenting the rich tapestry of family dynamics and diverse narratives of family life across different cultures in Taiwan, we aspire to provide new possibilities and a sense of support for those in search of a place to call home.
2023 September Expert Talk : Identities, memories and autonomy - Living as a Taiwanese in the German/Western world
Speaker: Jung Lin
2023 October Expert Talk : (Be)longing to... - exploring Hong Kong's melancholy through The Sunny Side Of The Street
Speaker: Karen Cheung
2022 September - October 5th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin
With the support and sponsorship from the Ministry of Culture as well as the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, we are delighted to announce the 5th Taiwanese Film Festival in Berlin, organized by Impression Taiwan and cooperated with Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute and Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung für die Freiheit. The 2022 festival will return to physical edition and in these ten days, it will be delivering 12 works on three diverse themes, including both short films and feature-length films.
Established in 2017, the Taiwan Film Festival Berlin is the largest scale event in Europe for Taiwanese art and culture. The 2022 festival is centered around the theme of ‘Island Fantasia’ and challenges the audience’s imagination with our diverse programme and hence, creates a unique and personal filmic experience.
For this year’s festival, “Nina Wu” and “Dear Tenant” have been selected to discuss developments of the global #MeToo movement in Asia.
2022 September Post-Screening TalkSeeing fantasy through taiwanese films: visualization and symbols
Speaker: Film critic Maja Korbecka with Festival Programmer Shengta Chiu
2022 September Anti-extradition bill movement and Stories of the Protestors
Speaker: Independent curator Karen Cheung and Festival Curator Jaye Lin
2022 October LGBTQIA+ community and the same-sex marriage in Germany/ TaiwanDirector Q&As with panel discussion
Speaker: Ralf Fröhlich (LGBTI Liberals of Europe and LiSL) and Ulli Pridat (Board member of CSD Berlin) with curator Jaye
2021 August 4th Taiwan Film Festival
With the support and sponsorship from the Ministry of Culture as well as the Taipei Representative Office in Germany, the 4th Taiwan Film Festival Berlin will be hosted between 20 and 29 August, screening a total of 16 film works divided into four sub-categories. Among them, ‘Living the Mountain and the Sea’ is the opening and closing theme which starts with Whale Island, and finishes with a documentary Searching for Taromak: Land of Warriors and an animated short film Taromak Eco-logy and Millet-ology. Through rich and exquisite images of the inherent diversity in the mountain forests, this sub-category describes the interactions between Taiwanese people and nature and thus provides a fresh perspective for our European audience to experience Taiwan.
Our central theme for this year’s Taiwan Film Festival Berlin is ‘Portraits of Taiwanese Diversity’ which aims to present a variety of life philosophies and cultural outlooks- from the coast to the plain, from high mountains to the distant islands- where Taiwanese people live and think.
2021 August Movie Forum: Expat & Human Rights in Taiwan
2021 March Member exclusive screening
The Fantasy of the Deer Warrior (1961)大俠梅花鹿
2020 August 2020 Taiwan Film Festival Online
The 3rd Taiwan Film Festival in Berlin is headed online this August amid the COVID-19 crisis. Featuring documentaries, fiction and other genres, our virtual screening of 9 films from August 21st to 30th covers a wide range of subjects: from Taiwanese indigenous wildlife, contemporary homosexual issues, to unique genres of martial arts. “[The online screening] shows how perseverant Taiwanese people are. While many independent film festivals choose to cancel due to the pandemic, we still launch this festival as planned, so that people in Germany can enjoy brilliant Taiwanese movies,” states Impression Taiwan, the organizer of this festival.
2020 August Opening concert of Taiwan Film Festival - Songs of Taiwan
2020 August Taipeilove and Queerlove
Kevin Chen in interview with director Lucie Liu
2020 August Black History: Taiwanese cultural scene in late 1970s
Ambassador Dr. Shieh in conversation with Curator Jaye
2019 September Impression Taiwan e.V. formally established
2019 May - June Taiwan Film Festival
The theme of Taiwan Film Festival Berlin this year is “conversation”. What makes Taiwan special and precious is the open-mindedness of islander, colonized background and constitution of various ethnic origins. From ceaseless conversations, we accept different cultures, groups and perspectives, tolerating and integrating them into the building blocks of Taiwanese culture. We thus choose to return to the basic human relationship of “conversation”as the inspiration of the key visual of the festival. Boldly giving up the so-called “Taiwan image” of the totem 2 design used often in cultural events, we in this case aim to get rid of positions, hierarchies. The design of different sound waves is used to demonstrate voices of different ethnic groups and their interaction. Further, it tries to listen to divergent voices and explore more issues, inspiring more thoughts and possibilities. Once there is the starting point, there is the key to the real conversation, and this is what Taiwan Film Festival Berlin aims to achieve.
2018 May - August Impression x Taiwan in Berlin The Taiwan Film Series
The First Taiwan Film & Documentary Festival, is one of the platforms in Berlin for Taiwan movies. We are looking for innovative films with unique points of views which are relevant to social and human interests.